HP-SSPA-AC (Very High-Power Solid-State Power Amplifiers for Scientific Applications)


The aim of the project is the research, design, development and validation of a new range of very high-power solid-state amplifiers for scientific applications, providing:


  • A modular and scalable solution, with high built-in redundancy, which drastically improves service availability in case of failure of an amplifier element, compared to IOTs.
  • A significant reduction of the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of this type of solution.

Program: Proyecto CDTI de I+D

Procedure code: EXP 00086736/ IDI-20160019

File number: IDI-20160019

Acronym: HP-SSPA-AC

Name: Investigación y desarrollo de una nueva gama de Amplificadores de Potencia de Estado Sólido (SSPAs) de muy alta potencia para aplicaciones científicas

Budget: 2.126.255,00 €