Network Planning and Coverage Studies
COMMTIA has the knowledge, experience and suitable resources in engineering to carry out coverage simulation studies and network planning projects
Depending on custumer needs, customized services are offered, including:
- Current situation analysis and planning definition.
- Coverage estimation, interference study, etc.
- Definition of the required infrastructures for network roll-out.
Turn-key Networks Supply
COMMTIA has the experience and the resources to carry out turn-key projects, including equipment supply, system integration, Project Management, installation, start up, commissioning, maintenance, etc…
These are some references about COMMTIA projects:
- Turn-key supply of 1.000 sites for the ASO project in Spain (up to 9 multiple per site)
- Turn-key contract to install GSM base-stations in Spain
- Turn-key supply of a GSM repeater-stations network in Spain
- Turn-key supply of National MFN multiplex in Spain (1 DTT multiplex)
- Turn-key supply of the National DAB network in Spain (3 DAB multiplex)
- Turn-key supply of the National SFN network in Spain (4 DTT multiplex, the first SFN national network in the world)
- Implementation project of the first T-DAB operative network in Spain (Madrid)
- Turn-key supply of DVB-T Head-end and broadcast network in Spain (1 DTT multiplex)
- Turn-key supply of 800 analogue TV micro-transmitter sites (2.400 equipment) in 18 months